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Do you need to change your lens solution every day?

Do I need to change the solution in which my contact lenses are stored? And is it necessary to change the liquid for storage if you don’t put them on every day – or just let them in it? It's simple:

  1. The solution must be replaced every time you remove the lenses from it. If you wear them every day, then you also need to change the liquid every day.
  2. If you wear contact lenses not every day, for example, in turn with glasses, then you need to change the solution at least once a week. In between, be sure to add it, otherwise the liquid will gradually evaporate, and the lenses will lose their properties and shape, blur and turn into a kind of jellyfish in the sun.

How to change the solution for lens storage

  • The lenses were taken out, put them on the eyes – the liquid was poured out of the container.
  • Rinse the container, rinse it with fresh solution – drain it again.
  • Left the container to dry in a clean place, on a napkin, preferably upside down.
  • They poured a portion of fresh solution, removed the lenses and put them back in it. As a rule, at night until morning or as needed.

Perform this procedure regularly, and wearing contact lenses will be safe – they will be clean, disinfected, without deposits that accumulate on them with prolonged contact with the eyes. It is also important that they remain saturated with moisture, moisturized, and fully retain their properties. And you will not encounter chafing and inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye.

All this is the key to comfortable and safe wearing and good vision.

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