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How to put on and take off contact lenses

Those who first start using contact lenses or are just thinking about it have many questions. How to wear them, how to put them on and take them off? This procedure is quite simple, the main thing is to follow simple rules and hygiene, and gradually putting on and taking off lenses will become a simple and familiar thing for you. Here are the rules.

How to wear contact lenses correctly

  • Wash your hands thoroughly, it is better if the soap contains as little artificial flavors as possible so as not to cause allergies. Rinse the soap thoroughly and dry your hands. Choose a towel without lint so that there are no lint left on your hands.
  • Left and right lenses should never be confused, so make it a habit to always start with the same eye.
  • Gently remove the contact lens from the blister or solution container and place it on your index finger. Check if it is turned inside out: if the edges are even and in shape it resembles a bowl, then it can be put on, if the edges are turned outward and it looks like a plate, then it is in the wrong position. Many brands have indicators that allow you to easily determine the correct position of the lens. Also check for cleanliness and for tears and damage.
  • With the middle finger of the same hand, pull down the lower eyelid, and with the other hand, pull the upper eyelid so that even if you blink, it does not touch the eye.
  • Look up, if that's more comfortable, and place the lens just below the pupil.
  • Look down and gently release your eyelids and close your eyes, make sure it is in place - there should be no discomfort.
  • Repeat the same with the second eye.

How to remove contact lenses

  • Wash your hands thoroughly as well.
  • If you wear long-life daily wear lenses (two weeks, monthly, three-monthly), prepare a container to clean them. If you wear one-day clothes, throw them away immediately after taking them off. To prepare the container, open the lids (they have special labels for right and left), fill the compartments with fresh solution.
  • Start the removal procedure with the same lens you put on first. Look up, pull the lower eyelid down.
  • Use your thumb and forefinger to slide the lens just below the pupil, then gently squeeze and remove from your eye.
  • Place it in the appropriate compartment of the container filled with multipurpose solution. If the lens is a daily one, throw it away.
  • Repeat the same with the second eye.


1. If the lens is dirty and you want to wash it, you can only do this with a special solution.

2. Do not allow contact lenses to come into contact with tap water, and do not swim in a pool, pond, sea, etc.

3. Do not allow the spout of the solution bottle to touch other surfaces, this can cause infection of the entire solution, and then contact lenses and eyes.

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