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Benefits and contraindications for contact lenses

Which is better – contact lenses or glasses? Is it true that lenses are more comfortable? You be the judge, but lenses do have a number of advantages.


  1. With an active lifestyle. Contact lenses are very comfortable when doing sports and dancing. It is very inconvenient to do this with glasses, because they strive to fall, move, they can be hit by the ball or hurt during the game. Modern brands of soft hydrogel or silicone hydrogel do not have all these problems.
  2. For different climatic conditions. Unlike glasses, lenses do not fog up and do not freeze in cold weather, snow does not stick to them. They are also a good option for a summer vacation, you can wear any sunglasses with them.
  3. They do not affect the appearance, but often decorate it. There are even colored contact lenses.
  4. More comfort. With the right fit, contact lenses are practically not felt on the eyes: after putting them on, they are felt only for the first 15-20 minutes.
  5. They are safe. But you need to clearly follow the rules, follow hygiene and observe wearing mode.


There are few contraindications, and all of them are mainly associated with eye diseases:

  • Chronic allergic eye diseases.
  • Degenerative diseases of the cornea.
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the anterior segment of the eye.
  • Infectious diseases of the eye.
  • Diseases and pathology of the eyelids, lacrimal gland and lacrimal sac.
  • Endocrine ophthalmopathies.
  • Tumours.

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